Don't want to be the bearer of bad news, because I use fiverr quite a bit myself.... Just not for content.
for $4 (essentially), if it takes you any more than 30 minutes to write the thing you are making less than minimum wage. So these "writers" have become creative in how they can get so much content back so fast. Most of the time it is NOT original content. Check what you paid for against copyscape and others.
Although this is not 100% either because they will take the content from books or use "spinner" (software that will automatically run a thesaurus against the words and replace with similar so as to appear new. EXAMPLE: They copy the sentence "The kid's red bike was going by fast" then becomes " The child's crimson bicycle was traveling swiftly"
which is usually enough to dupe copyscape. But if your content takes ANY kind of research, and they get it done exceptionally fast, this might be the case. Not that it would matter much with a blog, as you will likely never get in contact with the original creator of the content. But I had a client pay for an ebook to be written to sell where 90% of it was taken from somewhere else and it turned nasty. And he never had a clue. Was under the impression that it was original written content.
That is my experience anyway. For designs and other services, I love FIVERR. For content, I go to Odesk, upwork, freelancer, etc.