Originally posted by @Joe Villeneuve:
@Kendall T. So, you put $19k in it all cash, and you rented it out for $625/month. That means, that assuming you didn't have to pay taxes, insurance, repairs and had no vacancies, you would have made $7500/year.
However, we all know you did have to pay taxes, insurance, etc... So, a better assumption would be that you made at best half of that = $3,750/year...which means, you were behind (as in lost money) until at least 6 years...if all went well.
Now, if that's OK with you, that's OK with me...it's your money. One question though. If you are paying all cash for these properties, how long does it take before you get enough cash put together for the next deal?
Thats what Im wanting to hear is the compounding purchasing power factor. I make plenty of money to support my family, so I'd be putting 75-100% back into the next purchase, plus another 6-12k out of my pocket. based on these #'s I am buying 1 myself every year, and the 1st house buys 1 for me end of year 2 ( so 3 total owned), the second buys me one in year 3 ( 5 total) year 4 I buy 1, as does house 1, As well as 2 & 3 buy one together ( 8 total) then in year 5 it would essentially double on itself? Thats really simple math I know, but even at 50% vacancy I am likely at 6-7 prperties at year 5, just because I bought 5 out of my own pocket, and the others produced atleast 1.