@Viral Patel Are you saying that Liberty Mutual is paying for a repair to the roof, which equates to 45% of the roof? Or are you saying they are paying for a full replacement but after the depreciation & your deductible? Not sure the total of the check, but for ease of explanation:
-Roof Repair Estimate: $5,000
-Less Depreciation: $1,600 (40%)
-Less Deductible: $3,000
-Settlement check = $400.00
You would use the $400 to pay for the repairs. If you have a Replacement Cost Value (RCV) policy, you can recover the $1,600 depreciation if you spent $5,000 on the repairs by submitting your receipts to the adjuster. If you only spend $200 on the repairs, you would not recover any depreciation since it cost you less than the settlement check.
Make sure you keep the receipts for as long as you own the property. If you have a future claim for the roof, the adjuster for the next claim will most likely request proof of work completed.
If it is a claim related to wind, it is reviewed differently by the carriers compared to a water loss from inside the building.