Originally posted by @James Wise:
Originally posted by @Account Closed:
Originally posted by @James Wise:
Originally posted by @Jay Hinrichs:
lol 1st two comments are priceless.
Anyone notice how young each and every person in the van is? Reminds me of those groups of young people recruited to go out and sell door to door.
I'd feel safer huffing people's coughs in Wuhan, China than working for Clayton Morris.
Yea...people get suckered all the time by bad players. I mean, if you take an honest and comprehensive look at society and all the places where a racket exists and we all go along with it, it's pretty staggering really. Another view on that is it's good for the economy, a little destruction that is, inefficiency. And yet, we have more of everything everyday despite that. At least here in the US.
It's actually just a bit too easy. Finding a sucker to go along that is. They say there's one born everyday, I wonder if that might be more like one every minute, every second maybe?
I happen to think the reason is fear and pride. Fear of the truth. Fear of accepting what must be done in the light of the truth. Too prideful to admit we are gullible and stupid. Powerful emotions those are. And of course, in the end, we are all slaves to our stomach, the most powerful master we face in our time here. That tends to sway people away from doing "the right thing".
Everyday, day after day, there are new people coming on BP and wanting in this game. They have no idea why or how or what to do. They seek some dream, and their course is plotted in this direction. The tree of suckers is so ripe, so plentiful, so endless. How do you suppose all the Clayton Morris's of the world are ever going to be able to resist that? Think of a drug addict that might wake up in the morning and their favorite vice is waiting for them on their nightstand.
That picture says it all really. Every one of those people is beaming with joy and hope and excitement. My favorite is the blond girl at the back that is smiling and staring out the window as she dreams beyond the moment. Clayton will never run short of feeding his vice. (the blond girl in the front seat looks a lot like the gal from Cooks Country on PBS)
I love that you and Jay have taken on this battle. I suspect you both also understand exactly what I just said, and take the battle on anyways - I find that admirable. Ironically, I also think Clayton is right about you in a way, that the only thing you might accomplish with all of this is self-promotion. Maybe he's not so dumb after all, just an evil ****er. And maybe, just maybe, not even that.
But truly, is there anything wrong with making a buck while exploiting evil and steering people in a better direction? Not to me. I say bravo. I say what else can we do? We all have to eat, everyday.
There is an opportunity for firms like yours right now in this space. I've thought about entering it myself. Pretty much for all the same reasons. Opportunity, wealth, do-gooding. The only real difference between you or myself and Clayton is the last part of do-gooding. And maybe, just maybe, Clayton actually believes he is doing good for people. I mean, go back to the first thing I said, pride and fear. People lie to themselves all the time. People might even lie to themselves more than they lie to others. I'd say that makes a person more of a fool than evil. I won't be surprised if that's the defense if Clayton ever gets his day in court.
LOL - Someone should write a book on how to not get scammed. Heck, someone probably already has. I wonder how the sales of that book stack up to the sales of "get rich in a day in real estate".
My two cents? (well, three or four at this point) Just don't let this ****er consume you my friend.
And I'll leave this commentary with a final thought about our friend Clayton. A person need not serve others to make lots of money investing in real estate. In fact, most players serve only themselves. And yet, after failing at serving others in a grand way, Clayton has decided to pick up right where he left off and continue down that path anyways. To me, that says it all about the sort of person Clayton is. In some past Asian cultures, if you acted dishonorably, the only honorable thing to do would be commit suicide. I'm not saying I think Clayton should do that of course, I'm just pointing out that after failing others, instead of giving that up because he's clearly not qualified, he's deciding to give it another go.