Disclaimer: This should not substitute for legal advice, please consult with your RE attorney. I am not an attorney nor have I played one on TV.
Now that I got that out of the way, let me try and walk you through it real quick. Hopefully this will help if you have any questions let me know.
1. Parties: Put buyer and seller obviously. If the seller has PoA the way to write this is Owner of the property signed by Person with PoA - Attorney in Fact. You will need to use this formatting for anything else that requires a signature as well. If the property is an estate, put in "Estate of Persons Name Here".
2. Property: Self explanatory get the Lot & block # from the corresponding appraisal district.
3. Sales Price: Assuming you are using cash or hard money, A. Cash portion of sale write in whatever you and the seller have agreed upon. B. 0.00, C. Sum Total. Here is an image to illustrate.
4. Financing: Draw a diagonal line through this section
5. Earnest Money: I leave this blank. If you want to put something here 1% of the sales price is pretty much standard. E.g. if the properties sales price is 75,000 put in 750 for earnest money. Earnest money is not required to have a valid contract in Texas. Recall earnest money is fully refundable during the option period.
6a Title Policy & Survey: We typically pick up the Title policy so I check seller shall furnish to buyer at BUYERS expense and then fill in my title companies information.
6b. n/a
6c. Survey: typically leave blank. That is up to you.
6d. blank
Page 3 is all promulgated information, skip that
7. Property Condition:
7b. You can do two things here, have the seller fill it out with you at the table, in which case you check 7b1 buyer has received the notice. If you want the seller to send it to you or title company later check 7b2 and put in the amount of days it needs to be delivered by, typically I put in 5 but the majority of the time we fill out sellers disclosure on the spot. 7b3 This is if the property is exempt from providing a sellers disclosure notice. Texas property code states estate properties and REOs are exempt from providing a sellers disclosure.
(skipping to 9 here, if I skip any numbers from this point forwards its because the paragraph doesn’t really have anything pertinent to add).
9. Closing, set the date you and the seller agree to. Notice the first sentence “The Closing of the sale will be ON OR BEFORE the ____ of __”
10. Possession: Typically check upon closing and funding. If the property is owner occupied for example then you will likely need to check the next box “according to a temporary residential lease” and you fill out that form as well.
11. Special Provisions: Disclosure here, put in writing if you are licensed professional of any sort e.g. Real Estate License, CPA, attorney etc. I also typically write in buyer to pay all normal closing costs.
12. Settlement and other expenses: line through, this is for traditional real estate
13. Proration’s: Make sure you let them know, unless you agree other wise, they will be deducted at closing the amount of taxes prorated until the current day from the first of the year.
16. Mediation: parties (checkbox) will seek to mediate before agreeing to hire attorneys on one another
Notice: This is mainly for title company to contact everyone. Put in your information for buyer and sellers information
22. Agreement of parties: here you will need to check any relevant addendums. For every real estate transaction I every do I have my own Addendum I always attach so I put it in other. If the property was built PRIOR to 1978 check the box for lead based paint addendum and bring that with you as well. Note all these forms like lead based paint and sellers disclosure can be found on the TREC website.
23. Termination Option: most powerful paragraph in the whole contract. This gives you the buyer unrestricted right to exercise an option and back out of the deal if you need to. I typically put $20 for a 7-10 day option.
24. Consult an attorney: I have never filled this out for myself or a seller.
Directly below consult an attorney is the executed date of the contract. Everyone signs
Page 9 Broker information block, cross through that unless you’re a realtor or using a realtor.
Page 9 Option fee receipt: make sure you get them to sign this as well and state how the amount for the option fee was given (cash check etc)
Page 9: contract and earnest money receipt. Title company fills this out later don’t worry about it.