Batchleads gets a lot of hype but it's customer service sucks and the system has too many bugs. If you're large REI Player, Zach Ginn, Pace Moby, or some other Big Dog you get great customer service. If You're not you can expect your operation to be down 1-4 or 5 days till they get their "Technical Support Specialist" to help you/solve the problem.
I've tried a lot of them:
My own Free99Free one for 7 yrs using a SamSung Phone & a GooglePlay app (can't use it cause carrier's will flag you down, shut off ur phone every other day)
Flipster - Just recently tried it out using their "7day trial period" and it SUCKED!!
but I'm come to find out LeadSherpa is the cadillac of SMS Mass Text Blasting. Not perfect but the best and I've been Mass Text Blasting for 9 yrs now.
So my current marketing system package is:
Do I pay more then an All in One system like Batch of Flipster? Absolutely.
But my systems don't go down every 3 - 4 days and my operations won't shut down cause Customer Service/Tech Support takes effing forever to respond to my support request.