day of the 7 day free trial offered by Flipster and still, what I consider a simple problem, has not been fixed or addressed by Flipster Customer Service Reps or “Technical Support”.
Funny as ****. I just got an email this morning telling me my “Trial Period” with Flipster ends tomorrow Nov 4th.
Yeah, a Customer Service Mgr. “April D.” sent me an email telling me she uploaded one file for me, and to use the Flipster template as that was the problem. I’ve been using the Flipster template since the beginning of my Trial Period and did so again after the email from April and nothing, the phone numbers still will not upload.
Flipster has bugs in it's system and their Customer Service/Tech Support Operation.
Tech Problem: If the only way I can use the system is to have their Customer Serv. Reps upload each of my individual files using their special template, then that doesn’t work for me, my business, or employees.
I was fortunate. If this Tech Problem had come up when I’d bought the Flipster system my business would have been in trouble and I’d lost a boatload of money as the system is marketed as an All in One system. I’d be stuck with no RVM’s, no SMS Mass Text Blasts, no emails, no nada.
Customer Service Problem: What they do is cute, annoying, but cute and clever. They don’t respond to support requests for a day or days which in real time costs you money. And when they do respond they tell you they’re going to generate an “Expedited Technical Support Ticket” to appease you and brush you off. And of course, nothing is ever done by Technical Support or anyone else.
If I ever hear the phrase “Expedited Technical Support Ticket” again in the near future, it will be too soon.
But the cutest one of all I believe is their efforts to get out of work. You Call the (800) 952-9585 number and you won’t get a response but a message that they will call you back M-F before 5pm USA time.
And they do call back.
5-7 minutes before 5pm and leave you a voicemail saying they’re sorry they missed you, blah, blah, and to call them again tomorrow. You call them back and all you get is another voicemail. It’s a classic brushoff by a Customer Service Rep to avoid you, your problem, and whether they care or not or are cognizant of it, costs you another day of business/$$.
It’s not like in 5-7 minutes before their clock-out time you might answer and if you do they’ll actually have a Tech Support available to fix your problem. They log down “they did their job” and clock out. Like I said this is the cutest get outta work lazy hustle they got running.
Fortunately for me, I hadn’t signed up yet for your Fully-Paid package. I can easily see them when I send them a “Please do not charge my cc, I am discontinuing my account” message they will disregard it and still charge me. That’s how bad their customer service rep operation is.