Ok, to those who think % base assures a PMc will "make sure property is leased" you are wrong, and I will explain why and the reality of what it does.
A flat-fee PM has MORE incentive to get a property leased than a % PMc. Yes. Because the simple math. What is $109mnth? It's diddly-squat! And in contrast, COMPLETING, keyword completing, a NEW Tenant Placement brings about 1 full month's rent, for the tenant placement fee.
So, which is the most incentive? Getting $109 for doing nothing and watching paint dry. OR 1 months rent for a Tenant Placement fee? Say $1,750?
What REALLY happens when a PM get paid % of rents, for incentive, is the PM is more incentivized to keep BAD tenants in place who are paying. Especially those who have the nerf'd TP fee.
Property damage, excessive wear and tear, but paying, that PM has an incentive to look the other way, don't they.
A flat-rate PM fee incentives keeping things as SIMPLE and EFFICENT as possible. That is done via placing the highest quality tenant possible, keeping issues to absolute minimum, keeping maintenance and service calls to minimum, because to make it work properties have to operate on cruise-control. That's only achieved with QUALITY.
So the whole idea that $109mnth is some "big incentive" to do nothing is just FAKE-NEWS. It's not.
But it is a heck of a lot of incentive to do whats BEST in interest of a Landlord, which is getting high quality tenant with low occurrence of issues that operates on cruise control of consistency and quality care of property, for a duration.
% based, it's just about getting bodies in and keeping them in, and that's done by taking the first most desperate trash off the street who says they'll pay.
Flat rate vet's the snot out of people to assure QUALITY. Because it has to, it's operating on a razor slim margin and can't afford the issues.
Just like the Landlord.