The number of reasons that cause home owners to become "motivated" is endless, but the most common scenarios are death in a family, or a couple is getting a divorce. There are, however, more reasons people can be motivated to sell. Below is a list of other possible situations that could warrant a motivated situation (the categories with a * by them are actual lists you can purchase for your marketing):
1. *Someone inherited the property from their parents or grandparents and do not wish to hold the property (inheritance list)
2. *Someone has just gotten arrested and will be going to jail if the case arises of paying restitution they will usually sell their home. (arrest records)
3. They are going into foreclosure
4. Have gotten numerous notices by the city for code violations, a good indicator that they don't care for the property and therefore wish to get rid of it
5. Moving, not always a solid reason, but sometimes the reason alone for moving will cause them to be very motivated, but they are far and few between.
6. Older couple that is moving into a senior care center, most likely as most individuals who have 100% equity are older
These are some of the more overlooked cases that have worked very well for me. I would suggest marketing more towards the older crowd 50+ because more often than not they have the most equity and have more reasons to sell, such as deaths, illness and senior care than the 20-30-year-olds who just recently bought their home. If you have any other questions, please PM me as I am more than willing to help.