Investing in marijuana might do that. I can't guarantee anything though. In real estate I think that San Antonio and Detroit will increase in value.
San Antonio because the bootcamp bases for army and airforce just opened there along with medical hospital. Technology, energy, tourism, and healthcare run that economy. Plus it is the last stop for many in the military. More and more are retiring there because it is one of the cheapest military towns in the US. Plus they have an extensive bus system. For some reason they are trying to encourage more people to live downtown. There are homes buy many need to be flipped. It is cheaper than Dallas which is another great place to invest. They are expanding their train system. Fort Worth is good too because Dallas is getting up there many are moving there too, however, parts are a flood zone so that is why I am not too comfortable.
Detroit, well more so its surrounding suburbs, because some of the new companies that are there are giving living stipends to their employees ex: Quicken Loans. Specifically in downtown and Southfield (suburb north of Detroit). The city is also giving out a lot of grants and loans to developers and new businesses. Check out In addition, several basketball players, Magic Johnson, Smokey Robinson, Stevie Wonder and Berry Gordy held a press conference about what they are going to do to turn the city around. They were speaking with the current mayor and governor of the state about the investments they are about to make. They are building a new train system too. Plus most of the world supply of water comes from there if I am not mistaken. They have also recently changed their squatters rights laws to favor landlords.