@Alaadin Alhamwi
Flipping is not low risk because
1. You have to get a US contractors license in some jurisdictions to do work on a home. If dealing with mold, radon, and asbestos you need additional US certificates.
2. In some jurisdictions if they catch you or someone unlicensed working they will fine you or demolish the home. Contact the building dept or get a legal service that will verify what you can and can't do.
3. Even if you have someone licensed they can fine you or issue a stop work order against you if the contractor committed any violation when it comes to repairing or adding onto the home.
4. The neighbors can call the authorities against you if you or your contractors do not dispose of waste properly or mess up their homes.
5. People steal. The copper pipes, toilets, garbage cans, and air conditioning unit, were stolen from my homes.
6. You do not know what is behind the walls until they are taken down. Home inspector/engineers don't check behind closed walls. Some electricians do not know what they are doing. Buildings burnt down due to poor wiring.
7. The city inspector can require that something be corrected which may cost you $2000 more to have done. For example, after the roof has already been put on the inspector now says that my dryer vent may need to be modified so the house does not explode.
8. If you do not check to make sure your contractor is licensed he may work under someone elses license. If he gets deported, so does your money. Or he could just disappear. You could sue but collecting from him/her may not be easy.
9. Some people who may be contractors have alcohol problems. I know one who is excellent when he is sober. However, when he gets into the bottle he is awful.
10. As mentioned previously, if you are where there is only one city inspector for the whole city, you could experience delays if he goes on vacation or in the summer when there are a lot of homes he has to review.
11. The materials and parts you need may not be in the store at the time you need them so you have to put an order for them. Orders are not always fulfilled on time.
12. You may have to work overtime on the job and when you go home just do not feel like fixing anthing which further delays you getting the property fixed.
13. You, the contractor, the inspector could get sick which will delay the process. Its always good to have three contractors as backup. However, if the city only has one inspector then you can not move forward until they get well.
14. You could go over budget.
15. Market could tank.
16. The water department, tax dept, gas and electric companies do not care if there are delays or your sick. They want their money and will charge late fees and even put a lien on your property if not paid.
17. There may be other agencies you have to deal with as well that do not care if you get sick. For example In Riverdale they will fine you if you do not take care of your lawn. You will have to hire someone to take care of that when you are not well.