@Christopher Pray
Good Morning:
What is the Kurt Vonnegut phrase from Slaughterhouse Five, “Goodness me, the clock has struck - Alackday, and f**k my luck.”
That is how things are now here in the Cuomo's Empire (State).
Having previously been on staff in the State Senate, I can say that nothing works better than being a voting constituent in district to whose representative you complain to. Sadly, If that person is a Republican member, it is like clapping with one hand. If they are a Democratic member, it is like spitting into the wind. This is the reality. The state has turned socialist to a larger degree on social issues.
In the Assembly, well, it has always been more liberal with a Republican State Senate to keep them in check; but no longer.
The only other thing that really works is money. Pick a close race and contribute to the landlord friendly candidate. And be certain that they know it. Start a collection and bundle checks with other landlords. Nothing sounds louder than a vote cast and a check being deposited.
Clearly this is not what anyone wants to hear, but if you are looking the create a result, this is how it is done.
Much success. I admire your outrage.