@Jaden Adams
I know there are already at posts on this thread so I might not be adding anything - but here are a few thoughts.
I have had a really interesting career and have worked for 3 startups, started 3 of my own companies, worked for US Govt (NASA) and for several major corporations. I’ve hired probably 100 people - with degrees and without. Here’s the honest truth I know about finishing college - it tells me that the person sticks with big and challenging goals. It tells me they are a problem solving and time manager. It tells me they work well with others to achieve super difficult goals. And it tells me most importantly that they possess the unique brain that is a well educated brain. There is no replacement. I used to think I was crazy ... but over and over it’s been shown to me that those who take on higher learning - a challenging degree - have a level of refinement in their thought processes that is extremely valuable. The exposure to ideas and intense use of thinking power seems to rewire the mind. The way they think is much more evolved. You can get this ability for higher thinking growth in other ways - life experiences will get you there. But It takes 3-4 times longer. I would finish your degree - it will pay dividends you can’t imagine.