@Alexander Warren Leitch - welcome from a fellow OKC investor. Just to add a contrarian view, and it's my view, not the final answer; we started with an LLC, while it did affect our financing we liked it for a number of other reasons, not least of which was there was no question as to what was business and what was personal as far as taxes and income. Also, when we were ultimately too large for Fannie/Freddie financing, we already had a terrific relationship with our commercial lender and easily moved properties into a portfolio note.
The question of how any LLC income is taxed has a number of potentially moving parts and is too complicated for a forum, best referred to a qualified CPA.
If you DO purchase in your name and later transfer to an entity - it is easy and inexpensive to do through a title company. For reasons too complicated to go into here we've done it in Oklahoma County and it was very simple.
If you have any questions or just want to talk real estate, feel free to ping me. Texting works better than calling.