I go to three, for the networking and Learning, but I am new to REI, so I am still evaluating. I have only been going for 6 months tops.
1 - What is the name of your local real estate investing club?
- Tri-state Mixer
- Invitation only small restaurant group
2 - What do you like about the club?
- Tri-state Mixer - $10 fee per visit (could be free if you join for $149). I like the owner Nick Tang who has only been investing a few years, but teaches what he knows, is open and honest, wants to partner and teach because the more he can offer, the bigger he feels his business will prosper. Has several meetings a month spread out in Manhattan, North Jersey and Central Jersey. Just started a free "Official Rich Dad Cashflow ® Subgroup meeting". Most meetings are in a Marriott and are set-up like a teachers room. Starts with some networking, then he talks about what you will learn, then introduces the sponsers/booths (like pest control, SD IRA, etc...), then it breaks into his hour or so lecture - no guru's but sometimes guests or panels.
Also on Saturdays they have an in-expensive workshop once or twice a month. I went to one for $35 for 8 hours of learning about how to estimate the costs on re-habbing. It was very informative.
- NJRESN - I paid the $50 fee for year, and costs $10 per visit, but they supply a buffet. This is a banquet facility, where 10 are at a table, they have a 1 minute round-the-table-elevator-speech and hand out business cards. Introduce Sponsors/booths, then lets the buffett begin. After 10 minutes or so the host will usually present a lesson.
- Invitation only small restaurant group - it is easier to get to know people and deals, ask questions.
3 - What do you dislike about the club?
- Tri-state Mixer - so far nothing
- NJRESN - Speakers sometimes are weak, the group is run by two partners who started in Jersey, but have since moved to San Diego (the one flies back almost every month, have never meet the other one). They I believe are part of Than Merrill's Fortune Builders.
- Invitation only small restaurant group - limited experience, no guest speakers, but this one is in the county where I am located, whereas the others are closer to the shore.
4 - How can they improve the club to better meet your needs?
- Tri-state Mixer - I like the round table of the NJRESN, feels weird walking up to a group of investors that are talking and trying to learn something. I like how the other serves food too! ;-)
- NJRESN - Good for networking, but the other club is better for learning stuff.
- Invitation only small restaurant group - Small has its advantages and drawbacks.
5 - OPTIONAL: I'd also be interested in knowing if you might be willing to speak about BiggerPockets in front of the other members of your club?
- No, not at this point. Maybe someday ;-)