Keep in mind the 2 core aspects of dealing with Sect 8:
1. S8 pays for the rent, hence you have a relationship with S8. You can refuse to have this relationship. Mind you, if your tenant gets kicked from S8 for doing something stupid such as not responding to annual income verification request S8 sends them, but you still have a lease with them in place, S8 will leave you holding the bag to evict the tenant and recover lost rent from tenant. S8 doesn't sign a lease with you, the tenant does.
2. Your tenant that brings in an S8 voucher. You can't discriminate this tenant on his own merit against all other applicants. I always state min income req must be x times the rent, and that alone applied to *ALL* prospects, takes care of any S8 that will not qualify.
You can't refuse the tenant if they qualify, but you can refuse to do business with S8. You can tell the tenant, "hey listen you're in, but I don't do business with S8, can you pay for the rent yourself"? So, you don't discriminate at all against the Tenant as a person.
As always, local governments are crazy enough to creep onto you with some nasty things, so check with a qualified attorney.