The truth is that some of what you learn will not be used in your day to day practice (i.e. - how governors were elected, how many seats are on the state board, etc.) However, there is much information you will use on a day to day basis. I am an auditory learner, so taking classes were helpful to me, as was talking with other students in the class. There are fast track courses where you can be licensed in roughly 3 weeks. There are also some you can go to two nights a week and get your license in 3 months. If you are a visual learner, online may be the way go. Also, make sure that you go with a company that can show you the training they offer. I have heard every company I spoke with say they have great training, but some only train well for the first two weeks, then you're almost on your own. Sales meetings aren't trainings, regardless of what some managers will tell you. Having been with an independent broker, a large unnamed national franchise and Keller Williams realty, KW wins the training hands down. I was shocked on how much I didn't know (after being in the business for 15 years) that would help me build my business to a big level. I would be so much farther ahead if I started with the systems and tools KW offers. KW also taught me a lot about investing. Aside from the trainings they have for investors, check out the books Flip, Hold and .The Millionaire Real Estate Investor. They are the best selling books, and lay out best practices from millionaire investors. VERY much worth the read. If you have questions, I'm happy to help! Give me a call: 317/213-3278.