Ive got the lock box code for a duplex I'm in the process of closing on. The owner inherited the place from their parents and live out in washington state. If I didn't have the code, we would never close cause the owner wants to sell it but for what ever reason has no motivation to do anything with any kinda of speed, and when there were things that came up on the inspection, if I wasn't able to get in, they'd never get done. (had to tighten a hand rail, replace the two pumps on the furnaces, put batteries in the fire detectors (I forced them to rewire the fan and lights in the bathroom).
Its a pain dealing with an unmotivated seller, and a real estate agent that relies on email to get anything done (especially with the city (when repairs were done, told me that main inspector was sick, and underling was doing inspections and that he was emailing back and forth about getting the rein spection, It took one trip to the city hall in person for me to get the place inspected the next day)).
None of this would of happened if I hadn't had the code to the lock box.