Michael Mourey ,You typically don't get a conventional loan on a distressed property on the front end of the deal.Most banks won't lend on a distressed asset, if you have a special relationship with a smaller port folio lender then maybe yes.Conventional loans take to long to be able to move swiftly and buy property from motivated sellers.So you need either your own cash or OPM cash to swiftly buy good deals.This cash could come from private lenders,hard money lenders, HELOC,your own cash, etc. It's higher priced cash than a conventional loan and faster to obtain, thus enabling fast acquisitions..Fix the property up and stabilize it, get it rented, then do a cash out refi with possibly a. conventional loan to cash your short term financing guy out.There may be a seasoning period required by some banks.To summarize, buy with short term money, repair,rent, and then refi into longer term cheaper money, thus recycling your short term money to do over.It does work if you find a great deal,your projections are accurate,find the right partners, and execute quickly.Hope this helps, good luck.