I’m a wholesaler or I rent out pretty homes using rent to own strategies. I use Office Depot because I get a redunculous (spelled correctly) discount for printing out all types of marketing. I use Wal-Mart for special envelopes. I use the $1 store for envelopes too. Starbucks for my contract signings and gift cards and caffeine. All Apple products.
Can I shout cozy.co too. Just awesome. Replaced the U.S. post office box for my company.
I go to Home De Pot and Blowe’s for putting out flyers and my son likes making things with PVC pipe for fun.
A Rehabber in Johnstowne, PA I know drives to the Baltimore Habitat because it is also redunculous. He’ll have three to four projects he needs to work and drive a moving truck he owns to buy supplies for that month.
My quick virtual services list:
CallRail (and the app)
Expensify ( and the app)
Pipedrive ( and the app)
Upwork ($1.11 per hour workers)
HostGator (best customer service)
PhonePower (Most bang for my buck)
Cozy.co (10 out of 10)
Meetup (Ca$$$h buyers)
G Suite (Gmail plus everything)