@Christian Walker
Most of young people wants always 100% in business.
They think greedy.
They think they discovered the secret formula to be millionaires.
And they don’t listen. They ask others, as you did here, probably expecting the forum to tell you “hey, you are right”, or “hey why 50%? You should get 70% and your dad 30% because you do all the job”.
This is what it is at a certain age.
Young people search for confirmations, when they receive opinions, opinions that are far from what they think, they escape.
Which is what you are doing here, not even answering other investors when they disagree with you. I am not even sure that you are reading, or “listening”.
Now, I will tell you something that you don’t like:
Your value is close to zero. As anyone else coming to an investor asking for 50% to offer some services that can be bought much cheaper and without giving away equity.
You are investing in your city, or close to your city. Not even out of state that make things complicated.
Your father can find a Property Manager, a Good agent and good contractors by himself. If he does not want to do it, better for him to find another way to invest his money or another way to make money. That’s it.
It’s going to cost him much less in %, much less in health and discussions with his son, and much less energies in negotiations.
If he go on his own, he will probably do some mistakes, but mistakes are part of the business.
In two years, when he will be without a job, he will have a job. His houses and his properties to manage. So he will even not need a manager.
You should do your business the way you want, with your own money, and if you really want to help your father do it for free and teach him your “secrets”.
And/if there is people ready to invest their money and give you 50% for you to do something that barely cost zero equity, some money and time, and 20% of commissions, well, there are a lot of folks that burned millions with business. Simply because they make wrong choices.