For some reason, I can't get the @Mentions feature to work right now. Pushing forward, hoping that my responses are received by the people who have been kind enough to respond.
@Michael B, does this effectively give them both the buyer agent and listing agent commission? Or is it just doubling their own portion of the commission?
I would love to connect! I will send you a quick note.
@Tom Parris, your advice makes a lot of sense. I guess my only concern is how long it would take to hear back from them, if at all, regarding an offer. I, of course, would do my best to make the offer very reasonable, while adding the contingencies.
I'm also wondering if my relative inexperience in real estate has resulted in my expectations being a bit high for a listing agent's role in this.
@Mike Cumbie, very valid points that I had not considered, and as you mentioned, the last thing I want is to make them not want to work with me.
For some reason, it didn't occur to me that the agent/owner wouldn't want to answer the questions. This doesn't mean that they are trying to cover up anything and it puts the due diligence on my shoulders, where it belongs, anyway.
Thank you all for these fabulous responses! I feel much better proceeding.