@Jay Hinrichs, I have seriously considered getting licensed, but I've heard many times that unless you are a full time realtor, you have no hope in making any kind of money that way.
When I was going through the process of finding my current home, I was reminded of my love of homes and architecture, and how very easy it is to see if a home was loved or neglected. You can feel it in it's foundation, in a sense.
I haven't had a chance to listen to your podcast, so I'm unfamiliar with your stance on this. But have you found being licensed to hurt your investing or help it?
@Anthony Dooley Buy and Hold is my end goal. I see how the numbers work out and I truly want to provide great housing for people in my area.
Have you found people to be receptive to being honest? Seems like a silly question, but perhaps I'm just a bit cynical in this respect. I guess I've gotten the impression that sellers are delicate creatures with high expectations that are very difficult to satisfy.
Thank you for advice regarding package deals. There was a recent divestiture near me of almost $1.6M in real estate. Of course, I heard of this after most of the real estate was already sold. Even so, I could recognize the value of being on the receiving end of this type of opportunity.
@Darrin Carey I was so pleased to see your comment. This has always been my view of things and I was beginning to worry that it was an outdated one.
@Alexander Felice I think I need to widen my view on how to earn money, as you said. There is no need to follow the crowd, especially since there are untapped opportunities everywhere.
@Stanley Bronstein I won't! I promise!
@James Carollo Very good point. I guess my take on the situations you mentioned would be as follows. I can be true to myself, while realizing that I can't control those who benefit from my actions. If I close a deal with a seller and they go on their merry way, happy with the results, I can't control whether they use that money for their medical bills or they gamble it away.
Your comment was very thought provoking.
@Jim K. The human mind is a truly beautiful thing. I can definitely point to a time in my life where I was unaware of the effect of my actions on both my internal monologue and my external projection. Learning from that time is what lead me to ask this question.
@Llewelyn A. I must admit, my hackles rose at your description of what was common practice in that REI Club. While I can understand why those folks didn't question it, it was common practice after all, it does go to show why someone should always look deeper when something looks too good to be true. This is one of the reasons it bugs me to see people talking about getting owner occupancy loans, then just pretending to be living there.
I definitely see the difference in both examples you provided. It is basically pointing out why it is up to each individual to do their own due diligence, which definitely includes education. I would love to talk with you more on how you became so well versed on NYC requirements. Was that under zoning or building laws? Either way, fascinating to see how you were able to see that deal for what it really was.
@Ian Walsh Even considering the possibility of giving up my integrity already left me feeling greasy. You said it very well. I have no intentions of letting this part of my character go. Thank you.
@Nick Rutkowski Absolutely not.