@Hayden W Gibson - very cool. Not a lot of college students can ask this question.
Before I can answer the question, a few more questions I think need to be answered.
1. Do you have debt? If so, pay it off.
2. What type of cash do you have available? Depending on your next steps as a student and professional having a large cash pool can be VERY helpful. Will your scholarships cover your expenses next year? Will your grants continue if you are making more money? etc.
As a college student, I saved and didn't buy a home. Do I wish I bought a home now? yes. However, I didn't know what the market was going to do. That savings was the seed money to several startup companies that I was able to start now. A rental would have likely reduced my financial capacity to start my entrepreneurial ventures and reduced my current income.
For you you - you're going to have to answer a lot of questions, look at your next few years and decide what your financial/familiar/job situation looks like.
Lastly - having loads of cash in college can really reduce the stress and open up options that otherwise may not exist. Take it easy and don't rush into any decisions :)