Originally posted by @John Thedford:
@Adrienne Bryson
"Trolls" don't generally use real names and post anonymous crap. I don't hide anything including my disdain for dishonesty!
p.s.--almost 3K posts and 1400 votes --probably none from dishonest illegal operatives. Troll? Nice try. Almost sounds like the clown that referred to me as "unscrupulous" and if you read the thread, it appears he represented to someone he is an agent..and he is NOT. Quite the way to build a reputation...yes?
First of all, I never called you a troll. Trolling is an action, and that is what I said you are DOING. Just like I can cook dinner but that doesn't actually make me a "cook", just means I was cooking.
Also, I never called you unscrupulous. I'm not surprised you got that misconception though... You seem like the type not to actually read something you think you won't agree with, just skim through for buzz words to argue against.
Case in point, nowhere did Anthony imply that he represented himself as an agent.