@AL Brown
Welcome to BP!
Your best option is to talk to a CPA or attorney about your specific situation but I'll give what I know.
You can set up the LLC a few different ways. The legal protection of the LLC will be pretty much the same however you can change the way the LLC is taxed.
By default, the LLC will be set up as a pass through entity, meaning that all profits will be passed through to the owner's tax returns whether or not they actually take any money from the business. As a pass through, you can either have a single-member LLC (which, I believe, is what @Andrea Castor is referring to) or a multi-member LLC which will essentially be taxed as a partnership.
Alternatively, you can elect to be taxed as a corporation. There are a number of reasons for doing this the main one being that it allows you to lower self-employment taxes. However, the specifics are beyond the scope of this forum.
There's actually a brand new BP book on this subject (among others). Check out The Book on Tax Strategies for the Savvy Real Estate Investor.