Business Websites Can Lead to Self-Storage Opportunities!
Friday, August 11
When you are researching websites for networking opportunities, don’t forget about business websites. There are a lot of self-storage owners who consider themselves to be small businesses. These self-storage owners’ network on small business websites. This is a smaller niche group of sellers. ...
You Need to Network with Everyone to Find Self-Storage Properties!
Wednesday, August 09
Another way to find self-storage properties is through networking. You have a Realtor out there looking for properties that are listed. Now you need to look for properties that aren’t on the market. You want to find them before they come on the market because there is less competition. This w...
Interviewing a Commercial Realtor to Find the Best!!!
Monday, August 07
Now that you know what a Realtor is going to expect from you, let’s talk about what you should expect from your commercial Realtor. There are always varying levels of experience and knowledge in every profession. You are going to find people who are cutting edge and know everything there is to k...
Acing the Interview with Your Self-Storage Realtor!
Friday, August 04
Realtors have a lot of clients, especially good commercial Realtors. They don’t want to spend time looking for the perfect property only to discover that you can’t actually afford the property. As a result, they are going to pre-qualify you before they start spending time helping you. If you d...
Realtors Can Help You Find Self-Storage Owners Who Want to Sell
Wednesday, August 02
Not every seller wants to work with an investor. This means that many of them will either sell the property on their own at top dollar to someone who doesn’t understand the importance of buying right or they will work with a Realtor. Either way, you need to make sure that you have a great Realt...
Direct Mail Is a Great Way to Reach Self Storage Owners
Monday, July 31
You need to build a relationship with the current owners of self – storage. While they may have no intention of selling their property today, time and circumstances change. They may decide to retire or find themselves in a situation where they are forced to sell. You want to be at the top of thei...