You Make Your Money When You Buy a Self-Storage Property!
Friday, August 25
Sounds simple right. It isn’t. There are a lot of factors that need to be taken into consideration when you are determining your purchase price. You need to keep in mind what your exit strategy is going to be. Are you planning on buying self-storage properties with investors who expect you to...
Your Self-Storage Expenses Can Make or Break Your Property
Wednesday, August 23
When you are determining the value of your property you need to know what the gross operating income is and what your expenses are. This allows you to determine what the CAP rate for the property is today. Once you know what this number is, you can figure out what a good offer is. You can also...
Determining Cash Flow from your Market
Monday, August 21
Every market has a threshold that it can bear for rents. If your rents are too high, potential tenants will go somewhere else. If your rent is too low, you will lose out on income. You must research your market to find out what the perfect rental rates are. What will your market allow you to ...
Determining How Strong Your Self-Storage Market Is!
Friday, August 18
When you are considering investing in a new market, you want to start by doing some research. You are going to verify that the local population can afford self-storage; verify that you are not in a market that is oversaturated; and that you are in an area that gets enough rent to cashflow. The ...
Finding the Best Markets for Self-Storage!
Wednesday, August 16
How many times have you heard that location matters? That is because it does. If you are in a bad location or a bad market, you will have a much harder time making your self-storage facility thrive. You want to find great locations in strong markets so that you can get the best results. So ho...
Conversions Are a Great Way to Create Self-Storage Opportunities!
Monday, August 14
Self-storage is an amazing investment. Because of that, competition for these existing properties can be tough. In some markets, sellers can demand high prices that won’t work for your investment model. However, that is no reason to think that you can’t invest in self-storage in that market. ...