Speculative Vs Non Speculative Buying
Tuesday, November 29
A speculative buyer is someone who is buying a property and anticipating the value of the property to be higher than it is or to set a new value in the area. These are usually purchases where people are trying to pioneer a pocket of their market in setting the new values. The gamble here is bas...
Invest Locally Not Remotely
Monday, November 28
For some reason I frequently see people not investing in their local market and trying to buy properties across the across the country. I don't know if this is the 'grass is greener on the other side' effect but I strongly recommend against it. This is specifically for people buying 10 unit or l...
Title Companies - They Matter
Wednesday, November 23
People think that a title company is a title company and they are all the same. This could not be further from the truth. If anyone has ever worked with a bad title company and lost a deal because of them, they know what I am speaking of. Finding the right title companies that are competent, ...
Spam Vs Marketing - Clear Distinction
Tuesday, November 22
Everyone hates the word and thought of 'spam'. If you really think of it, spam is just a form of poor marketing. So at what point is someone stepping over the marketing line and into the spam world? There are two very clear differences. One thing people don't like is to be forced to watch som...
Build A Construction Buffer
Monday, November 21
Construction is a major part of any flip process. Some would argue that it is the most important part. One thing we see with newer flippers is that they tend to not build in a buffer for mistakes or unknowns they can bump into. This mistake is a big one because even the most experienced flippe...
Align Yourself With Experts
Friday, November 18
One trap that a lot of people fall into as they build their investing business is becoming a one man/woman show. They start to get some momentum which they had to boot strap together by starting on their own. Instead of off loading tasks, they compound their activities and take them on themselv...