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How The Story of a Multifamily Property Can Be Its Selling Point

Thursday, October 24

Have you ever thought about selling your Multifamily Property via storytelling? The best tales told by the greatest salesmen have sold some pretty significant things, a multifamily building can be one of them. Perhaps it’s just because most of us are wired to accept most stories as fact and some...

Time To Move On: Selling Your Multifamily Property

Wednesday, October 23

As an investor, you might feel closely attached to your multifamily property. But there will come a time that you need to sell it. Just as it is with all things, the next big deal will come your way and you will be thanking your past self for the decision you’ve made to move on. It’s going to be ...

The Responsibilities of a Multifamily Property Manager

Tuesday, October 22

As the owner of a multifamily asset, you ought to know what responsibilities your property manager should have. Property managers not only assist you with running your building but also can handle tasks that keep your property running, stable, and profitable. They do so by helping with these spec...

Choosing Furniture For Your Multifamily Property

Monday, October 21

As a multifamily investor, you want only the best for your tenants. Sure enough, this would include getting good furniture. Admittedly, furnishing an apartment complex can be expensive. But investing in even the simplest thing as a couch or a sofa can do wonders when it comes to gaining and retai...

Getting You Out of Bed: How to Find One's Motivation

Friday, October 18

In the rat race that is life, it is sometimes hard to take a moment to even evaluate yourself as a person and find what drives you day by day. You wake up to the sound of your alarm clock. Still in a daze, you open your eyelids and sit on one side of the bed. And then, it happens. The hesitation....

5 Simple Ways to Make a Person Happy

Thursday, October 17

You can tell if that person is special if no matter what kind of mode you are in, that person can always manage to make you smile - Anonymous Isn’t it great when you make someone happy just for a day? It’s a simple way to lift someone’s feelings and make them feel the beauty of life. Happiness co...