Reaching Out to Your Multifamily Tenants During a Crisis
Morale is important to maintain, especially during a crisis.
The COVID-19 crisis can affect residents in very adverse ways. Having to stay indoors and limit their social interactions, they might be having a difficult time coping with the situation.
As much as you want to lift up the spirits of your multifamily team, you should also consider lightening up the mood of your multifamily tenants. Keep these tips in mind:
Stay prepared
Many of your residents might not be able to even go out for work, let alone risk heading out for basic food or supplies.
But you could be their saving grace by providing essentials such as face masks and hand sanitizer. You can also discuss possible relief programs they should know about.
Maintain communication
Self-isolation can be incredibly lonely, and your residents will also want to know as much news of the pandemic as it comes.
Maintain communication in your property by checking in on your residents every now and then by providing legitimate news updates, reminding them to stay healthy by washing their hands and such, and simply checking in on them all while observing social distancing protocols.
Show compassion
These truly are difficult times. Many residents may be temporarily out of a job and can’t make the due date for the rent assuming that they aren’t working from home.
Easing up on the rent, for the time being, can bring a tremendous amount of relief to tenants. Additionally, you can also check on providing certain amenities or services for free.
Many multifamilies are currently suffering a drop in morale among their tenants. Being able to reach out to them and attend to their needs at this time presents numerous opportunities for you.