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Benefits of Trying To Learn Something New

Friday, September 20

“Try new things, step out of your comfort zone, take risks, do things in ways you’ve never done them before, ask for help, surround yourself with self-actualized people, become obsessed with the fact that you have one go-round on this planet as the you that is you, and realize how precious and im...

6 Effective Ways to Improve Your Time Management Skills

Thursday, September 19

How do you picture your office table? Let me guess: papers piling up with sticky notes all around, pens rolling down back and forth and you're about to spill your cup of coffee as a deadline looms. As we all know time is the most important element of life at work because it tells us whether or no...

4 Ways To Achieve Self-discipline

Wednesday, September 18

Happiness is dependent on self-discipline. We are the biggest obstacles to our own happiness. It is much easier to do battle with society and with others than to fight our own nature. —Dennis Prager We are all entitled to achieve greatness and happiness and the key factor we need to understand is...

Qualities You Should Have to Lead Your Company

Tuesday, September 17

Sitting in a private office and being the one giving out the orders really makes you feel powerful. But what does it really mean to lead your business? Being a leader can be as simple as handing out handouts and micromanaging. But in doing so, you’re stepping into a shallow pond, and missing the ...

5 Tips On How To Keep Business Productivity Alive

Monday, September 16

Keeping productivity alive in the office can be difficult. You just might not be feeling that you should be putting in any effort, maybe you’re not even sure HOW you can put in any more effort at all. Not everyone has a handle on how they can keep business productivity high, but here are a few ti...

5 Benefits of Living a Simple Life

Friday, September 13

“Life is truly beautiful in simplicity. When we lead a simple life we achieve an unknown happiness - a happiness that surpasses any other form of happiness. And “Forrest Gump” has always been one of my all-time favorite movies in life. So I yearn to lead a life like that of Forrest Gump! For me,...