Getting You Out of Bed: How to Find One's Motivation
In the rat race that is life, it is sometimes hard to take a moment to even evaluate yourself as a person and find what drives you day by day.
You wake up to the sound of your alarm clock. Still in a daze, you open your eyelids and sit on one side of the bed.
And then, it happens.
The hesitation.
Your body feels heavy and all the energy you gathered for getting out bed has evaporated into nothingness.
You start to think: "Why should I get out of bed today?"
But let's give you that time right now. Go ahead.
Take a deep breath and start thinking about that.
Still haven't found it? Don't beat yourself up. You can't just find motivation instantly. You have to undergo a series of realizations to get through it, as Chapter 3 of Rick Warren's phenomenal "The Purpose Driven Life” points out.
Here are a few ways you can find what gets you out of bed.
Finding your purpose
Agent Smith of the Matrix quotes "It is purpose that created us, purpose that connects us, purpose that pulls us, that guides us, that drives us; it is purpose that defines, purpose that binds us." And wouldn't you know, Mister Anderson, he's absolutely right.
Motivation becomes a struggle to maintain if you find little to no meaning in putting in effort. On the other hand, work on something that has legitimate meaning to you and you'll find your motivation burning bright.
Being optimistic
"Think happy thoughts" might not be the best kind of thinking to gain motivation from, but being a positive thinker gets you through the best and the worst of tasks you undertake each day.
Killer tunes bring killer moods. You ever boot up a track that got your blood pumping and your heart racing? That made you FEEL you could do almost anything? Listen to music that infuses a great deal of energy in you and how productive you’ll turn out to be.
Understanding yourself
What are you like? What are your values? What's your personality? Maybe looking into that why instead of the what within can help you understand what it is that drives you.
Human beings have the will to do almost anything. Good and bad motivations are one of the most capable feats that have brought us to the generation we live in today.
So, take the wheel and find your drive!