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Rick Via
  • Investor
  • Fort Worth, TX
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Phil Grove Real Estate Guru

Rick Via
  • Investor
  • Fort Worth, TX
I'm at a seminar in Dallas . The guru is Phil Grove. The sales pitch is now happening. Does anybody know if this is worthwhile? A ripoff?

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Bart H.
  • Dallas, TX
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Bart H.
  • Dallas, TX

I just wouldn't pay a guru.

Read the forums here, listen to the podcasts, read the Bigger Pockets books, the worksheets, the willingness of people on this board to weigh in on potential deals.

That in itself is honestly enough, you will get all of the information (and likely better info) at a fraction of the cost.

Find a good real estate agent that specializes in working with investors and tell them you are looking to get into real estate investing and see if they can help you get started.

Let me ask this question, what do you hope to get from a guru?  What are they bringing to the table that you cant get more cheaply or for free? What are your goals in real estate?

MY wife and I aren't some sort of big time multi family real estate agents, but we have done a deal or two a year and have had some success just starting simple (we started by house hacking a duplex), and have incrementally increased our projects.  Ie a property with 0 repairs required, then a house with small repairs, then a full remodel flip  that included adding and permitting new bathrooms, removal of walls, doors, windows etc etc.  We feel comfortable we have a team that can do most any project.   Yes we have relied on mentors (our contractors and real estate agents), but we have sent them leads, work and have treated them fairly on every project we do.

Much cheaper than hiring a guru who you really don't know if they are successful in the first place.

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Jose Matuk
  • Investor
  • Dallas, TX
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Jose Matuk
  • Investor
  • Dallas, TX

I completely agree with @Bart H., my .02 from personal experience with Phil:  

My wife and I took his weekend "vip" training last year, and it's a very well done introduction to several strategies and methods for creative REI. However, it is also a well done setup to funnel for selling his guru trainings. I can tell you that if you're willing to put the effort it takes, with the money they ask for those "special" trainings, into doing it yourself using this site and all the support you can get here, you can get the same results.

The people, guides, podcasts, forums in here contain all of that information, plus much more, for free. You will even get it in writing (he does all his training orally using slides and at least we didn't get a copy of any material, so you have to take notes and pictures to keep up).

Invest those 20k, 30k or 50k into a property, whether it is rehabbing and fliping, BRRRR-ing, or hacking, and network with local (from Dallas, not Austin) REI, realtors, loaners, etc. which you can find here and in the REI meetups. One of the very last podcasts (218) talks about deal flow and some marketing strategies, listen to it carefully and you'll learn most of what you can with a guru, but above all, apply it...

Best of luck!! 

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Patrick Ellis
  • Contractor
  • Dallas, TX
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Patrick Ellis
  • Contractor
  • Dallas, TX

Run fast and run far.  Everything you're hearing from Jose and Bart is true.

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  • Spring, TX
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  • Spring, TX

I have been part of Phil Grove's Big Dog program for quite a time now, well over two years, and I have to say that I am REALLY disappointed with the program.

I would not recommend it to anybody. Phil Grove and Shenoah Grove have a business model based on education, not really on real estate investing, and they are simply interested in the big $$ that people pay to join their programs; and that is all they do, and this is how their system is organized.  They just only care for the people that have paid for the highest program, their "Apprentice" program. The rest of the members that paid other cheaper programs are not really given visibility in the group or invited to events that really bring value to their education. But even going through this program will not guarantee you much, as I have known MANY people paying for this program and not really doing ANY real estate deals their first year or more, and latter, they just struggle to get deals. Their system is extremely discriminatory to the cheaper programs, systematically excluding those members from the real quality education, while the premium program is essentially ineffective.

The program is extremely mediocre, to say the least. The initial training is a 12 week program where each new investor will be told to set up an infrastructure of a legal entity, business cards, phone numbers, web pages and miscellanea, to pretend to be a real estate investor, because all this, will not really make anybody a real estate investor. There will be homework, lots of yellow letters sent, and different weekly follow up calls from someone in Phil's team. The reality is that most people do not learn anything from this training nor will ever bring it to practical implementation. The quality of their education on real estate is not better than what you could learn from a few good books from Amazon, and at a fraction of the cost. Basically, in my opinion a total waste of time and money.

The quality of their marketing is well below poor, based on sending hundreds of yellow letters to essentially the pre foreclosure lists, hoping to get lucky with the deal of your life. No other advanced marketing strategies are really taught through this program.  They create the false idea that mailing the pre foreclosure lists will get you tens of deals and that deals are easy to get. The also encourage people to do door knocking on the pre foreclosure list, and the use of bird dogs to do it.

That is in summary their core marketing education, although Brent Mott, from their team, offers additional marketing education during some weekend every month, which provides some good quality education.

Their educational program also includes scheduled support calls with Shenoah and other people in the group, several days a week. Cases are discusses, under questions and answer sessions, which in general are good, but no better than reading a few good books about advanced real estate investing. Many of their questions are of legal nature, and probably a good title company could answer them for you.

After the initial three or four weeks of training, the only thing that people really know is how to send yellow letters, the 70% minus repairs rule and little else. No motivation, no action taking, no nothing else. Most of the people does not know how to run good comps, they do not have a clue about estimating repairs, they do not know any contractors, and over 95% are totally unable to find a good deal. The program is essentially a failure.

When Phil presents his Big Weekend Events it seems that results are typical and easy to get, although the CLEARLY makes a disclaimer, as advised by his attorney, that this is not the case and that RESULTS ARE NOT TYPICAL. People are ignorant enough to disregard this and they register in a program that does not guarantee any of the results that he promises and brags about, although he is really good at making it sound like if people are going to make hundred of thousands of dollars just after going through his program. He will try to justify that joining his program will be your best option, unless you have an unlimited amount of money and time to spend doing the research and learning real estate investing on your own, but the reality is that it does not take much time nor money to learn what he teaches, and even more; it will basically take a dozen of some of the best real estate investing books on Amazon and the time to go through them, subscribing to good sites as this one,  and joining a couple of good REIAs in your area, without having to pay for such expensive and useless mentoring. That is all it takes ... plus a lot of motivation and action taking, as any true real estate investor knows.

They meet twice a month in Houston, first Thursday and third Tuesday of every month, and they have two rooms, one for the "general public", which is basically a hook to get people interested to sign up for the "Big Event", and the second room for the Bid Dog mastermind. 

The percentage of people having actual deals among Big Dogs, is, in the best case, under 5%, probably 2% or less, and that could be considered their real success rate. During the "Mastermind", deals and strategies are discussed, but 90% of the time is allocated about doing "preforeclosures". In their group it seems that life does not exist beyond preforeclosures.  It is really tiring and depressing to spend almost 2 hours just talking about pre foreclosures. There are no real wholesalers in the group, and very few people doing free and clear transactions, at least that I know of, and the average level of the knowledge about real estate of any of those "Bid Dogs" attending the masterminds is very low, or almost non existent, as most of them are new members.

Phil preaches that they are experts because the know just a little be more about real estate investment than the average guy, but the reality is that is all smoke and mirrors, and they feed and prey upon people expectations to improve their lives, creating false expectations about people being able to make money the easy way, with no credit or money to start with. The reality is that if you speak to many Bid Dogs that have been in the program for over a year, most of them do not have done much or no actual deals at all, and they are very disappointed with the program.

Phil and Shenoah are surrounded by a group of assistants which, in my opinion, are just plain liars and fakes, pretending to be seasoned real estate investors, which is really questionable, and talking about incredible and fantastic deals that they are doing, in my opinion, most really in fantasy land. Brent Mott is probably the only accesible and genuine person in their team, he will listen to you and will not turn around and leave you hanging in the middle of a conversation like most of the others do. 

Among the useful people that work around the Groves there is Alan T Ceshker, their recommended attorney, which is very knowledgeable and a really good asset to know. He is not the cheapest, but he is probably one on the best attorneys for real estate investors in Texas.

Kimberlee Lado is also an extraordinarily helpful person, and will help providing good information about resources within the group to the members, but she mostly does all the back office work for the Groves. Like all efficient people, she has a very helpful and good disposition, but do not forget that she will not work for you, but for the Groves.

Phil rarely socializes with anybody at those events, and he is the kind of guy who will not look at you straight in the eye (not surprising, since he must be aware that his program has probably a 95% failure rate) and if you have not paid the full apprentice program, we will not even take 5 minutes of his time to talk to you. He either has very poor social skills or he just doesn't give a dime about people once they paid.

If you have paid the "Apprentice" program you will be eventually invited to spend some time with Phil some weekends, and play poker, smoke cigars and stuff like that, if you are into that, and some "private" events of the kind. If you have not paid the "Apprentice" program you will just be another sucker that paid at least $20K to finance the Groves lavish lifestyle, and you will get very little back from it.

I have been attending many of their meetings, and over the course of the months and years I have seen very mediocre people with very little experience or skills in real estate to be presented as real estate investors, many of them people that have barely made any money on their deals, and that have done very few deals. Once again, all smoke and mirrors.

I am amazed that people such as Nancy Gonzalez, Hector Suarez, Belkis Guifarro, Terry Knight or some others are anything but close to a seasoned real estate investor, could be teaching real estate investing seriously.

The meetings are also a sales pitch for all kind of vendors, specially people from Quest Ira, among others.

Within the Bid Dog group there is also people trying to sell memberships to marketing coops, such as Erick Rodriguez, Hector Suarez or Erick Beltran. In my honest opinion, the farther away you stay from those people the better, as they have very little to offer as real estate expert.

I have to admit that Shenoah is the only really knowledgeable person there, and that she really does her best in the mastermind sessions, adding a lot of value and answering many questions. She is the only real estate investor there,  but you have to take into consideration that she is fully aware of the low success rate of their program and that she is there to keep the engine going for their educational business, which is the real nature of their business, making money on the program. 

Finally, the really few seasoned real estate investor in the Bid Dog group are there mostly to get financing and money from the new investors and partner up with them, using their money to their benefit, and with very little interest in really teaching or mentoring anybody on and selfless manner. People like Nam, and some of the old timers there are actually good at doing deals, but not to help anybody new to learn from them. The "old dogs" there keep their mouths shut unless it is to ask for money.

My advice is to run from that program, and invest that money is online education, on well known resources such as the Kent Clothier reww system, this Biggerpockets forum, the cheap and inexpensive marketing programs from John Cochran, Chris Prefontaine or many others that will help you to get started without having to spend tens of thousands of dollars on mentoring of people as little genuine as the Groves.

In summary, Phil Grove's program will not work for 95% of the people that enroll on it, and out of the other 5%, it will mostly help those that end up in Phil's team. A very rare 1%-2% will be really successful and you will not see them much in the meetings after a while, as they are to busy to go back to "school", and probably the masterminds will not be teaching them anything new or adding any value. It is incredible that so far nobody has actually initiated a class action lawsuit on the Groves yet.

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Lea Zeqiri
  • Dallas, TX
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Lea Zeqiri
  • Dallas, TX

I am a seasoned real estate investor. I did my first flip in 2002 and have done numerous since. I am also a Big Dog! And yes, I say that proudly. I am also a real estate broker and I became licensed in 1998. I am not a newbie.

I joined the group in Jan 2015 and I'm so glad I did. I did not join at the Apprentice level and I'm not laying around sucking sour grapes either.

The training you receive, even at the lower echelon is invaluable. But if you are too lazy to take it and run with it, then you will fail.

Before I joined, I went to a couple of guru seminars. But none rang true to me. I could see the flaws and the blatant exaggerations in them. Phill and Shenoah were the only speakers that I listened to that it clicked. I sat through the 3 day Big Live event very skeptically. I did not expect to join, I wanted the free education. You see, I had hit a plateau in my career that I wasn't moving higher. I needed a change, I needed a motivator, I needed someone to kick my butt out my safety zone. And I didn't believe for 1 minute that I would find it there. But, I figured 1 weekend out of my life for some free education was a no brainer. 

Day 1, I was already having trouble staying skeptical. I knew the business, I knew how to flip a house, but some of the things I was hearing was starting to point out all of my flaws and weak spots.

By day 3, I was ready. I had made up my mind to join. I wanted to learn how to use OPM! And yes, I'd read the books and no, I still didn't know how to do it. 

The truth is no one can teach you that. They can teach you how to ask but you still need to do the asking! And you need to be in the right room with the right people to ask.

Big Dog puts you in the right room! 

I used to flip one house at a time with my own money. Life threw me a curve ball and wiped out my money. Big Dog gave me skills and mindset to do five houses at a time and not on my dime.

Anyone who can sit through a Big Dog Master Mind and not learn something, is a loser. Their mindset, their lack of motivation and their lack of work is the reason they are. I don't care if you join in on the highest level, you have to do the work. Some people like to blame others for their failure.

That's not me. I followed the program, I studied the strategies and I put them to use. And they work!

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  • Spring, TX
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  • Spring, TX

With all due respect, Lea, you must be one of the 1-2% success stories in the Phill Grove group, if you what say is true. I am also a Big Dog and I have been there longer that you. I am happy that you have learnt so much from the Groves, but it has to be put into perspective, as you said that you have been a real estate investor since 2002. (It seems that you didn't learn much during your previous 13 years as investor)

It is still my honest opinion that the easiest way to waste $50K on real estate useless education is to join the Groves Apprentice program and feel like a real idiot one year down the line. IT IS GOING TO BE THE MOST EXPENSIVE PIECE OF EDUCATION THAT YOU WILL NEVER PAID, 12 weeks of pre recorded, obsolete and bad quality training for $20k-$50k. Even President Trump was sued for less than that and had to settle. 

What about the people surrounding the Groves in their events and sales pitches, their lies, their lack of transparency, the discriminatory approach to the different level of members. The mediocrity of the people that they get surrounded by, Hector Suarez, Nancy Gonzales, Erick Beltran, Terry Knights, all real estate experts just like you ...

Who signed you into their program? How much money they made with your membership ... Remember, the most expensive piece of education that you ever paid, considering time spent and value.

Regarding our 5 simultaneous flips, I have had a look at your Facebook page

and I have to say that I do not see at any time during the past 2 years 5 simultaneous flips, but a continuous line of properties, a couple of the overlapping ... we must have different ideas of what simultaneous means. 

Evidently, you are suffering the "Groves" effect and distorting the truth and reality of things, unless what you really mean is that you have the "skills and mindset", but you have not put them to the practice yet.

Selling real estate education is easy, being a real estate investor is very difficult, and you are a clear example of it, 13 years down the line and you still pay someone like the Groves, to take your money just to give you "mindset" and motivation. 

You could have gotten the same motivation with 3 books from Amazon for only $20 in the kindle version and save yourself at least $19,980. As I see it, you are just another victim of the Groves, and you just helped them with at least $20k to keep their lavish lifestyle. Good job for them

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Caleb Heimsoth
  • Rental Property Investor
  • Durham, NC
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Caleb Heimsoth
  • Rental Property Investor
  • Durham, NC

I went to his free meeting and initially signed up for the big event for 1k, thankfully I did some digging when I got home and decided it wasn't worth it. I had to cancel my debit card before they initiated payment because I knew if they initiated payment I'd never see it again.

It's a sales pitch, avoid at all costs

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  • Spring, TX
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  • Spring, TX

Right on! You were lucky to get away from it, Caleb, the got me and a lot of other people big time! 

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Vu Nguyen
  • Investor
  • Austin, TX
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Vu Nguyen
  • Investor
  • Austin, TX

Besides Phil Grove's Real Estate Courses.   Do you have any person in Austin you would recommend for higher level real estate investment training, to do subject to's, marketing, and creative real estate investing?  What resources would you use?  Where can I find deals?

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Austin Pitts
Pro Member
  • Real Estate Agent
  • Austin, TX
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Austin Pitts
Pro Member
  • Real Estate Agent
  • Austin, TX

I also agree with learning as much as you can on here and other forums - for free - to be honest, the best and most valuable lessons you can learn is from getting your hands dirty and doing your first flip. What you learn after your first flip is priceless. Even if you flip and lose 15-20k on your first deal.. I guarantee you will learn more than any weekend getaway that may cost the same.
There are a ton of good resources on this forum that can help at any step of the way and you have to do is ask for it! Don't be afraid to jump in!

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Sanjay A.
  • Real Estate Agent
  • Allen, TX
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Sanjay A.
  • Real Estate Agent
  • Allen, TX

I am a "Foundation" Big Dog which is the lowest level that anyone can join at. I can attest to how good Phill and Shenoa Grove are as well as it is LOT more than JUST education. In my opinion, their program is worth every penny and more!! I have been successful (see my achievements below) and I know SO many more Big Dogs who are successful that I find it very hard to believe that it has anything to do with Phill/Shenoa only if someone is not successful. I know a few Big Dog who didn't succeed at first and sit down to talk with other Big Dogs or Phill/Shenoa to get on the right track. I have personally talked to few Big Dogs to help them and loved to see the smiles on their faces few months later when they had success!!

I am sorry that someone have negative feelings about a program where I have had huge success but I LOVE my Bid Dog family and will be happy to talk to anyone who needs help...... I am confident so will other Big Dogs including Phill and Shenoa. Also, I personally know Nancy and others mentioned in one of the posts and I PERSONALLY know they are doing as well as they say they are!!

My achievements:

I closed on 35 properties this year already at 75% of ARV. I did 40 transactions last year flipping and / or using other techniques that the Groves teach.

Hope this helps!

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Kacee Jackson
  • Investor
  • Austin, TX
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Kacee Jackson
  • Investor
  • Austin, TX

To the folks that say that training, education, mentoring, and masterminding is not worth it, regardless of who is selling it, you are downright wrong. Someone mentioned above that they do 2 deals a year and they were "so successful" by reading blogs and websites. I applaud the entrepreneurial efforts, but two deals a year is a part-time hobby, not a business.  I do 80+ flips a year, and you cannot get there by reading a book or a blog. You need to hang out with people that do more than you. You need to have training, mentoring and a network. I am not financially affiliated with Phil and Shenoah, but I consider them friends from being in their network. I have been a Big Dog student of theirs for several years. I am not paid to be here to defend them. I am a very real person and I make real money doing deals. (By the way, I have a ton of cash available to partner on deals, so message me!)

To Mike Houston that has a hidden name and no picture, I think you are a planted troll. I am a member of the Big Dog program and I went from doing 2 deals, to 15 deals, to 80+ deals a year mostly because of the training and mentoring that they provided. You personally attack people like Nancy Gonzales for not being an expert, but I have personally partnered on deals with her and know she made more money on one deal with me than the average american makes in a year.  I have made millions in the last 3 years from the relationships I have made from the Big Dog Group.

Mike, You personally attack one of this pages posters and reference their facebook pages because they didn't post all of their deals. Who does that? Stalk someone and then post the results of their stalking on a message board? Strange, and clearly you have alternative intentions if you goal is to stalk and disparage people that post a defense of those you are criticizing.

I would venture to say that Mike Houston is C.A. from Houston and had so much to say because you are not employed by the organization anymore and you have screwed so many people out of money that even your closest friends want nothing to do with you.

By the way, you kind of completely contradict your entire argument when you say that "Selling real estate education is easy, being a real estate investor is very difficult"

It's not that difficult, guy.

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Chris McIntyre
  • Real Estate Investor
  • Austin, TX
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Chris McIntyre
  • Real Estate Investor
  • Austin, TX


Fellow non-apprentice Big Dog here.  In August 2016 I partnered on two deals with Nancy Gonzales.  See the p&l for each.  

The above deal was on a mobile home in Manor, TX.  It was a probate lead via direct mail.  I got it under contract, she secured private funding and I managed the rehab.  And we killed it.  The next one wasn't as lucrative but we didn't invest much.

For this one I got the lead by door knocking the pre-foreclosure list (using my own script).  The owners were Spanish speakers, which I am not.  So I called Nancy to see if she would come help me.  We met the owners later that night and got it under contract.  She reinstated the loan in less than two weeks and we sold it after a minor rehab.  Once again using her contractor.   

Nancy is a pro in every sense of the word.  I learned more from her about running a business than any book I've read.  She's also the hardest working person I've ever met.

And for the program, all it does is accelerate you to success or failure.  And your success or failure is based on your resourcefulness and work ethic.  The people who play victim always fail.  Then they get on a forum and post something that gives them a tiny dopamine bump.  They mount their horse of righteousness in an effort to save the rest who will read the damn thing.  But in reality they've done nothing.

Don't be a victim.

If you can't find deals, it's on you.  

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Sarah Payne
  • Houston, TX
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Sarah Payne
  • Houston, TX

Hi everyone, went to my first Houston REIA last night and signed up to be a member. They were also giving away free tickets to new members for the Big Live event, but after reading the above comments, it seems like the 3 day event would be a waste of time even though it is free. I really enjoy BP's platform for learning and education. I am fairly new to REI, started my marketing campaigns etc., educated myself through BP and a lot of REI books, but ready to find my first deal. Anyone been to the Big Live event and can enlighten me as to whether it is worth it or not, and their experience with Houston REIA?

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Cody L.
  • Rental Property Investor
  • San Diego, Ca
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Cody L.
  • Rental Property Investor
  • San Diego, Ca
Originally posted by @Kacee Jackson:

 I do 80+ flips a year, and you cannot get there by reading a book or a blog. You need to hang out with people that do more than you. You need to have training, mentoring and a network. 

I sort of disagree.  In under 10 years I've bought over 2000 units (and own about 1000, due to selling some).  These are units I've bought as principle, not as some deal syndicator. 

That said, while I never paid for any classes, I did meet other investors along the way that were doing what I was doing and learned a tremendous amount from them (and I hope they learned something from me.  But in case they didn't, I want to make sure I balance that out by helping people here from time to time)

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Cody L.
  • Rental Property Investor
  • San Diego, Ca
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Cody L.
  • Rental Property Investor
  • San Diego, Ca
Originally posted by @Chris McIntyre:


 The people who play victim always fail.  Then they get on a forum and post something that gives them a tiny dopamine bump.  They mount their horse of righteousness in an effort to save the rest who will read the damn thing.  But in reality they've done nothing.

Don't be a victim.

If you can't find deals, it's on you.  

Awesome quote.  Apologies in advance for stealing it for later use :)

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Michael Morrow
  • Houston, TX
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Michael Morrow
  • Houston, TX

Hey @Sarah Payne

We were at the REIA meeting last night as well and have done the 3 day event with Phil and Shenoah. My short answer opinion is that it is worth it at our level of experience.

The three day event was worth my time as someone starting out and being not overly familiar with the basics yet. If you have the three days to spare and have not already done a few deals, then there is definitely knowledge to be gained and questions you can ask.

I did not sign up for anything else past this event and Phil does not spend too much time talking about the Big Dog program either. We've been to Than Merrill's three day event as well and we liked Phil's better. 

Feel free to PM me if you'd like more specifics or have any questions!

-- Michael Morrow

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Coleman Clark
Pro Member
  • Fate, Tx
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Coleman Clark
Pro Member
  • Fate, Tx

Just went through my first day of Phil's the big event and it is a game changer. Worth every penny and I'm excited about today. I will repost after the second day.

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Gail Govednik
  • Rental Property Investor
  • Aurora, IL
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Gail Govednik
  • Rental Property Investor
  • Aurora, IL
Originally posted by @Vu Nguyen:

Besides Phil Grove's Real Estate Courses.   Do you have any person in Austin you would recommend for higher level real estate investment training, to do subject to's, marketing, and creative real estate investing?  What resources would you use?  Where can I find deals?

 i have some advice

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Caleb Heimsoth
  • Rental Property Investor
  • Durham, NC
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Caleb Heimsoth
  • Rental Property Investor
  • Durham, NC

I don't think paying gurus is necessary. As stated above I attended his seminar about a year ago, and to date I've done two deals. I'm a buy and hold investor. I haven't paid for any training.

I've simply listened to podcasts and networked on BP. My total cash invested is about what it'd cost to join the big dog group. Just food for thought

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Rachel Pervis
  • Real Estate Consultant
  • Houston, TX
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Rachel Pervis
  • Real Estate Consultant
  • Houston, TX

I'm still shaking my head over the amount of money that people pay for these programs. There is so much free information on Biggerpockets through this forum and podcasts. Also there are good books you can read. I agree with the person who posted that there is nothing better than getting your hands dirty as a way of learning. I once  went to a RICH club women's meeting and one of the women shared  that she had spent a lot of money on programs that could have gone on her first deal.

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Gabriel Haney
  • Lender
  • Boulder, CO
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Gabriel Haney
  • Lender
  • Boulder, CO


I would also disagree 100% with recommending Chris Prefontaine? His program is not cheap and he is a MLM. Chris Prefontaine aka Ron LeGrand Copycat is a fraud. Do your Research and have an attorney review any contract this guy puts in front of you. Chris Prefontaine has very bad unethical business practices and I have recorded and documented proof. Chris Prefontaine secretly records calls of home sellers without them knowing in multiply States and PRETENDS to be a home buyer from PrePropertySolutions on behalf of his students, who have a completely separate LLC's, so that Chris Prefontaine has zero liability!

This is fraudulent misrepresentation because Chris is not actually a senior partner or on the purchase contract, whatsoever. He is making these assertions to the sellers so that they sell their house to an inexperienced student that pay him thousands of dollars to learn his scams. He also fraudulently misrepresents his personal experience to sellers to make them think he is the one actually buying the property. He tells his students to lie and say they close 4-5 houses a month (fake creditably), when the fact is they probably haven’t even sold a house Ever! I have dozens and dozens of these secretly recorded calls of Chris Prefontaine because he distributes them to his students with no regards to home owner’s private information. He even makes the recordings available for download on his website for anyone with a dollar can have access too.

Chris loves the word guarantee and will say it until the sun comes up but if you have a lawyer review your contracts for both sellers, buyers, and students will see that is not the case. I personally lost thousands of dollars because of these false guarantees. I had to leave his unethical program, even though we were leading in his sales contests with most signed contracts, once we learned his horrible ethics and his illegal practices with secretly recording calls, fraudulent misrepresentation, and his multi-level marketing gimmicks that he copies from real coaches.  

Sellers need to beware Chris Prefontaine of PrePropertySolutions Brags he will make on average $20,000k to $80,000 per deal with little to no money down and even if the tenant buyer doesn’t cash out the seller he still walks away with thousands and leaves the seller and tenant buyer out to dry. I personally have spoken with both sellers and buyers who he has done this to. Heart wrenching to hear when a tenant puts over $30k nonrefundable deposit down that Chris takes and Seller doesn’t receive, and Tenant buyer loses everything! Tenant buyer lives in a home they think is theirs but instead has to get evicted and starts all over again. Seller thinks house is sold but has to evict and start all over again, but Chris still made his money and could care less!

Chris Prefontaine has broken many laws and I’ll be filing complaints this week with the Department of Real Estate in each state he is running these scams and handing over all the evidence. I also will be filing complaints with the FTC and Attorney General for fraudulent misrepresentation and secretly recording calls of home sellers with their personal information and distributing the recorded calls to his members and students. From speaking with the DRE and the fraudulent misrepresentation tricking sellers, he will not only have his business in very serious trouble but once sellers realize that they were scammed to sell house to inexperienced students, these students will also can face serious penalties and sellers and tenant buyers can cancel purchase contract and may sue for damages. 

He also brags he is a best selling author on amazon but he cheated the algorithm with amazon by making his students buy his book on a specific day and hour. I also have proof of this.

His next gimmick is he will make you a best selling author if you pay him thousands of dollars and the best part is you only have to write a paragraph of the book? 

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Chris Prefontaine
  • Newport, RI
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Chris Prefontaine
  • Newport, RI

This is so inaccurate and laughable that I won't spend time on it.  

Our students are crushing it.  Call them privately and ask them.  Real deals and real people.  Give a ring to Sergio Ortega, Don Strickland , Lilia Russel, Mike Makredes, claudia Dill...could keep going but just  check out the testimonials on our site and I'm sure they'd love to chat :).  In addition, feel free to call our office and speak with any one of our family members.  It's a shame when someone falls flat on their face, "forgets" to pay the IRS and then needs to search for money and scape goats and starts to point fingers but it's part of the lovely open forums and social media we all have access to so do your own due diligence.  Happy to help and answer any questions.

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Bruce Lynn#2 Real Estate Agent Contributor
  • Real Estate Broker
  • Coppell, TX
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Bruce Lynn#2 Real Estate Agent Contributor
  • Real Estate Broker
  • Coppell, TX

Everyone is different....however I often have said I wish the people who spent $25-$35,000 on training and mentoring would have spent that buying houses.  Losing $5000 on a rental or on a flip would have probably been as good of a learning lesson as the training in many cases.  Think if you bought 5 flips and lost $5000 on each how far ahead you would be knowledge wise.  Some people learn in the classroom from theorists, some can pick up a book and learn themselves, some learn by doing.  There is room and success for all 3.

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Steve Bonilla
  • San Antonio
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Steve Bonilla
  • San Antonio

Just want to thank everyone's input in this forum. I did Phill Grove's Big Event at his home in Austin this past weekend. I was the only one that didn't get the program. I wanted to do more research on the program and this helped so thanks everyone.