Hello again! So, this question is stemming from my fears of angry tenants. I do not want my home address to be known to all of my tenants. However, it would also be very nice to be able to get rent checks and other...
Being an entrepreneur in today’s tech-crazed society can be a little daunting at times. It’s very easy to get swept up into the craze and use social media specifically for its intended purpose, to connect with friends...
Holton-Wise is planning on expanding operations into the Toledo area this year. However, it's not going to be the full set of top to bottom services that we offer in the Cleveland area. We'll be doing sales, marketing...
Everywhere a person turns today it seems to be a constant assault of some messaging about impending doom in Real Estate. From Youtubers too mainstream media, it's everywhere, sounding off of various frameworks of same...
Unlike an online stock, ETF, or mutual fund that can be exchanged daily or more, real estate syndications come with required, projected hold times. While each real estate syndication is different, we typically see hol...
I noticed that I was spending a lot of time on social media. Although, I was putting in a lot of work I feel like I can be more productive if I cut off the time I spend CONSUMING social media. Although, I get regular ...
Throughout history, the metrics that define success have evolved to reflect the values and priorities of each era. The human experience parallels this trajectory as it plays out on a smaller scale throughout our lifes...
I've noticed a growing trend among new real estate investors in my area. They tend to avoid properties that need renovations. Ironically, these are often the best opportunities to build equity and find great deals. It...
What's your favorite lead generation method?
I've been on the verge of scaling for awhile now and have a few things to get in order (marketing budget/management system/streamlining) and will begin an all out assault ...
Hello.. We are looking to add some new strategies for marketing. Curious to know how you rockstar agents are marketing in today's RE market? Also, are you still seeing positive results from Door Knocking and Cold Cal...