The property in question is 8 units and has been poorly managed; they don’t collect the rents on time and sometimes not at all (so I have been told by seller) and have a lot of deferred maintenance and offer below mar...
I saw commercials down here in south florida within the past week from a company calling out wholesellers. Commercial basically said "why sell your house to a so called cash buyer who doesnt have the money?" it contin...
Hello, I just purchased a fourplex in Inglewood CA. I'll be living in one, my mom in another, while the two others will be STR. I'm wondering if anyone has any advice on how to proceed from this point as we will be ...
Hello! I have many years of W2 income with no gaps. Recently (April 2022) I left my W2 job to start working for myself. I have made a consistent income from my client of around $11k/month. I tried applying for a conve...
Does anyone know how to purchase tax overages listing from Alaska? I live in San Francisco.
Hello all! I have been back and forth on the idea of setting up an LLC for 2 rental properties (each 3 units) I currently own. I live in one of the units with my family. I've been doing some research on pros and cons ...
We are well qualified buyers who are continually getting beat out by all cash offers on properties in the New York City area. This past week a 1.2m offer on a property was beat out by an all cash offer below asking. W...
I am constantly told by investors, particularly new investors that MLS properties are bad investments and they will only purchase "off market" properties. Here's a few thoughts to think about:1. What exactly is "off m...
I am a tenant where owner is selling home. Owners realtor has been harassing & threatening me so I got a TRO for agent. Owner also has harassed me and my military attorney sent owner & realtor a cease and desi...
Hi everyone,I just sent out my first direct mail campaign last week, and I've started to receive phone calls. I'm using a questionnaire I downloaded from the resources page as a script to help guide the conversation ...