Recently I have moved into a new apartment with my roommate. We moved in December and have only been here a few months. As of January it has turned into a very violent situation. Although she has never outright hit me...
If so, which are they? Thanks!
I just read an article about a management company that tried to evict a woman who was the victim of domestic violence. It is an interesting piece and begs the question . . . do you do all that you can to protect vic...
Quick question, as a landlord renting an apartment to an unmarried couple (man/woman), am I legally responsible to notify any authority (police/social services, etc..) if my female tenant informs me that she is lea...
Check out these states competing for corporate business and registration:
My state did away with franchise tax a while...
Has anyone ever used a Qualified Domestic Relations Order to pull all retirement accounts without penalties?
From my understanding, Its what a judge uses to separate qualified (non-IRA) retirement accounts in a divo...
I've been checking online county court records when I get an inquiry about a house for rent in a B-C class area. It seems like many potential applicants have gotten RO against someone, or filed DV charges.The restrain...
10 years ago, Investor A from California met Investor B on business trip in DC and they registered as domestic partners in DC. They remained domestic partners and also as business partners, commuting frequently cross-...
I recently read a landlord law book which stressed, although landlord should stay out of domestic/roommates disputes, that if a tenant's life or health was in serious danger from violent/spouse or roommate, landlord m...
Does anyone have experience using a Japanese entity (Godo Kaisha) to establish operating history that Japanese lenders/banks would accept?Specifically, I am considering establishing a company and using startup capital...