Most college students require some kind of financing to complete their degree. Student loan debt is a serious commitment, one which can take up to 20 years to repay. But having a student loan does not mean you will be...
Anyone try to get mortgage with 50% downpayment is it much easier to get aproved this way?
I'm in the process of refinancing my place. I have had refinanced once to get a lower rate, but I want to refi again now to get out of my PMI. My issue is that I've been in the place for 12 years now, and I feel like ...
What are your best tips for a beginner in the real estate industry to reneg on the offers?
How do you propose a lower price than listed? How do you convince the seller to sell you at the price lower than the listing?
Hello! I'm looking at my second income property in AZ and struggling with multiple brokers offering me multiple deals that vary slightly. Some deals the rates are lower (4.5%) but their origination fees are higher a...
Hello,I am currently in the process of finding a tenant for my home. We have had one month vacancy while searching for a new tenant, so I am looking to fill the home as soon as possible. A tenant who is interested in ...
Military member, Looks like I will be going to Charleston, SC next since my wife has orders there(Dual Military) Looking at using the VA Loan for a 200-220k House putting 10% down for a 15 yr fixed rate loan. Good ide...
Looking to chat with individuals who have experience with owning rental properties out of state for the purpose of increasing passive income. I just flat out am not sure where to even begin, from locating the right ho...
Hi BP- I need some advice. I have reached out to my CPA and lender but wanted to see if anyone else has done this and if it would a long term smart decision. or if anyone can offer any insight that might help us mak...
Interest rates have had a substantial impact on the overall affordability of a home. With mortgage rates on the continual rise, it’s time to think creatively about how we can minimize our long-term costs and make our ...