I have a TIC share. I would like to exchange into a property, also TIC. My current TIC is in my personal name. In the exchange I would like the new property to be one half in a revocable trust in my name and one half ...
Is there a Podio app out there that can send names and addresses of leads that I want to mail straight to a direct mail company like gobigprinting.com or similar?Thanks in advance for the help,Alden SimpsonGreenville, SC
I'm Julie a real estate agent in Las Vegas who mainly works on the residential side. I am looking to now invest in fix and flips as well as buying rental properties.
Hi Everyone, Does anyone have any suggestions for software (or SOMETHING) that quickly creates offers and/or for sending out purchase agreements to sellers? If not, what are you using to get this done efficiently? App...
No one likes getting the short end especially if your put in your time, soul, and a lot of times even money in to these deals to end up getting burned by shady folks. Looking for fellow birddogs and wholesalers to sh...
Hi,I acquired my first property last July in Cincinnati Ohio.I am no longer living at the address, and was planning to refi. It's a two family property that is fully occupied. I would like to transfer the title to an ...
Tired of working "in" the business and would rather be working "on" the business?So are we!! Implementing Scale-able Systems is the first step for us. We are currently using Quickbooks and Excel spreadsheets, so any...
Hello BP Community,Im thinking of starting to add personal URLS to each mailer (PURL). Basically when a user visits their personal URL they would see their name and address within the sales page. Additionally I'm thin...
Hey Everyone,I bought my first triplex last August with the plan to claim residency for the first year. My plan is to do this every year. Buy, claim residency for a year and repeat for the next 4 years. When I bought ...
I'm wanting to migrate from Evolve, and I'm wanting to take over as much of the management as possible. I've setup new listings and integrations with Hospitable, Schlage, Pricelabs and other services. The challenge is...