Hunter Gascay
Underwriting Template - Syndications & JV
18 September 2024 | 3 replies
(Assumable loan, Waterfalls/Hurdles, Ability to model a JV) I've come across "Synthesis" by Sharpline Equity.
Phil Eck
On the go health/nutrition for the busy investor/businessman/woman
19 July 2024 | 36 replies
My shakes usually have nuts, seeds, fruits, veggies, and protein powder.
Andreas Mueller
High Interest Rates vs Gov Spending. Who will win the inflation fight?
30 May 2024 | 6 replies
Fuel for the day: A bold dark roast coffee from Bulletproof and some protein from Pilgrims Jerky.
Joe S.
Who is investing in their own physical health?
18 April 2024 | 141 replies
I make a protein shake every morning to freeze then put it in the Ninja and turn it into ice cream at night.
Jason Appel
Multifamily underwriting program
2 February 2024 | 15 replies
I like the Synthesis Deal Analyzer from Chris Jackson at Sharpline Equity.
Chai Jonn
Multifamily Deal Analyzer
25 January 2024 | 35 replies
Synthesis is the analyzer I am using and many fellow syndicators I know use.
Richard Nassour
Good Syndication Analysis Tool
22 January 2024 | 11 replies
@Richard Nassour: There are many tools out there - Michael Blank, MFA, Next Level, Synthesis, etc..
Atwan Kwan
Pays Rent!...... but loves cats.....
21 September 2016 | 34 replies
I agree with the idea of letting them stay, adding the pet deposit and socking the money away because in the end, this can be a challenge to take care of the odor.On the other hand, if the contractor is not used to cats even one dirty litter box can cause a significant ammonia odor (cats consume a very high protein diet and thus produce a high urea content urine).
Joe Fairless
Here’s What Is Possible in 9 Years as a Real Estate Investor
15 February 2022 | 87 replies
I now tie my identity to daily activities (learning and improvement) and the results are taking care of themselves.I am understanding and gaining control over my mind (your #1 above).I hit the gym first thing in the morning and eat a can of tuna and low sugar protein shake for breakfast...a workout and 45 grams of protein is a good way to kick off the day.
Grant Schulte
New from New York City
7 September 2018 | 10 replies
I'm interested in learning about deal analysis, creative financing and deal making, systems of replication and automation, remote investing, and the synthesis of technology and real estate.