All, so I sent a 5 day notice to pay or vacate the property yesterday and the tenant got back to me this morning and said that he has already vacated the property. He said that he sent me a letter two months ago letting me know that he is vacating the property and that I can keep the 1.5 month security deposit that I have. Obviously I did not receive any such letter.
His reasoning was that his kids were getting sick due to the mold at the property. He has been living in this property for almost 2 years and I have not heard of a single word about any mold issues until now. He claimed that his kids pediatrician said the reason why his kids were getting sick was because of the mold at the property. Prior to him moving into the property, I had done a full scale renovation (~$20,000) and obviously there was no mold in the property or else I would have rectified that issue and he would have freaked out at the start of the lease. My sense is that he probably running into financial difficulty and now moved in with his parents (but that's just my speculation).
I talked to the agent that helped me acquire the property and his advice to me was to let this guy go and not hold him to the lease which expires March 31, 2018. He mentioned to me that he can rerent the property easily for the same or better rent than what I was getting. He also mentioned that if I pursue this in court, it might cost me more than I will recover as he said that any and all properties may have some level of mold in them.
I am also leaning towards the agents advice as I do not think I will be able to get him back to re rent the property. My tenant is gone. He has left me with 1.5 months of rent which will help cover my December mortgage payment. Is there any letter that I should get signed by the tenant before entering my property?
Alternatively, I am considering just selling the property given the 4.5 hours away from home and management of this property will get tough down the road. Until now, everything was smooth sailing since I had spend $$ upfront renovating but I am sure 2 years would have taken its toll on the property and things are going to start breaking down.
Current rent is $1,550 and the agent believes he can get anywhere from $240k-$260k. My all in cost was $55k - $75k below the price that my agent can get me and I purchased this property about two years ago. Along the way, I took the $1,550 of his rental payment and paid my mortgage which was a 15 year fixed. Property is in the Northern Virginia market which the agent was suggesting inventory is quite low. What would you do? Sell or re rent?