@Nancy P. @Ray Harrell @Travis Evenson THANK YOU SO MUCH for pointing me towards Section 8. I thought they would have nothing to do with her and would be slow to respond (hence I did not pursue Section 8 aggressively initially). I reached out to Section 8 last Friday after @Ray Harrell guidance, got a response from them that they will look into the matter on Monday and got a call from my tenant this morning that she is willing to vacate the property. She didn't demand cash for keys. All she said is that she doesn't want an eviction on her record and to loose her Section 8 voucher. She has not paid her portion of rent ($265 this month) and suggested that I deduct her rent for the month of June out of her security deposit. Not sure if that's a good idea so wanted to hear your thoughts. I understand that getting cash now is better than getting cash 15 days from now but I am afraid to rock the boat too much. She has agreed to vacate the property without causing issues (at least she is claiming that she will vacate).
There is a gas bill that's outstanding under my dad's name (HOA does not allow to transfer the gas bill to tenant's name) and she said that she will pay the gas bill today / tomorrow. She contacted the agent I referenced in my original post and is following up with landlord to secure a place by the end of the month. If she does not secure a place, she said that she will move into a hotel but will def vacate my property. I hope she finds a place. Do you guys think I should still proceed with hiring a lawyer and start the eviction process? Lawyer is going to charge $275/hour and anticipated the normal procedure to take ~3 hours including 1 hour of court time.
@Dennis M. after speaking to an attorney, I was advised that we have the right to march into the property in case of emergency (exactly what you said above). I did not know that when my father visited the property. Also, when my father visited the property, she had a few big guys there at the property and I didn't want my father to get into a brawl with these folks. It seems like reaching out to Section 8 did the trick. She has allowed the contractor to come and fix the ceiling issue tomorrow... Will keep folks updated. Also, I am not trying to get her to loose her voucher... All I need is for her to get out in a civilized manner without further damage to my property.