A week ago one of the houses I own had a plumbing issue at 1:00 am. We called the 24*7 plumbing and snaked the line immediately and later the next morning took care of changing the entire plumbing line upto the mainline for 5000$ due to roots in the pipe.
The tenant in the house says about 1-2 glasses of water flowed from under the toilet into the bathroom and onto the bedroom carpet. The water damage is very little as it was about 2 glasses of water and nothing massive. No feces or discoloration or odor was noticeable.
Within 72 hours I offered to change the carpet immediately but she didn't want us to enter the unit until she hired a company on her own to evaluate as she claimed there is ecoli probably but the company did the test and ecoli was negative and now they are claiming we do negative air filtration, Remove the affected baseboards, Remove and haul away the drywall / plaster from all the affected areas, 2’-0” high and 2’-0” passed the visible water damaged stained areas, Remove the toe kick from the master bathroom vanity, Use a low pressure rinse with a biocide solution to disinfect the affected areas, Set up dehumidification and air movers to dry the affected areas., Final swab testing is recommended at the end of the cleaning.Once the above has been performed, it will then be oaky to install the new carpet and padding.
Am I obligated by law to do all this in addition to the steps I want to take. I'm only willing to change the carpet and her lease is up so is there anything I can do to avoid having to do this steps as I think she is over exaggerating the problem then it is and she is not allowing me to change the carpet and has delayed the process by a week.