Hey guys, I think you may be over estimating skip tracing in general. Even the top batch services like Batchskip and REIskip use credit data which has 'suggested / probable' numbers. TLO is super expensive for individual searches and is still only 50-70% accurate. There is no service that can get you the right number every time. And, when you put that into a calling system, still only expect an 8-12% response rate unless you have a small niche list. I have an in-house skip tracer and we run about 89-92% similarity to Batchskip and REIskip and it only costs us 8-10c per record. If anyone wants to give our algorithm a go, feel free to reach out. My business isn't a skip tracing business and not trying to make a lot of money from it, but I would be happy to help if you're having trouble with other services!
Also, for the DNC - sign up for a DNC SANS account and you get two counties DNC list for free I think! Once you have that you can easily scrub against DNC in the spreadsheet or just add them to the DNC in your dialer / texter so you don't ever have to scrub again. Hope this helps.