Its all a misunderstanding, then. Top of market being, as I meant it is $30 million, $10 million, $3 million. Or I'll even consider over $550k, which is the Jumbo market, which is down 12%, which is the article I was referring to.... I don't consider $300k to be top of market. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I'm sorry but a NAR "heat map" , is not talking about the top end, is it? Its just not exactly the evidence I was looking for. I appreciate the info, but it compares all markets to each other, not their actual heat. I might be extremely tall compared to my daughters kindergarten class, but if I'm 4ft, am I tall? No. Maybe PHL is ranked 46 out of 300, that does not prove to me we are not peering over the edge of a market shift. Thats just me, maybe I'm wrong. I'm really not here to debate. You do realize, even in a complete meltdown, there will be a number 1 "hottest market" on that heat map?
Also let me clarify.....I'm pretty sure I never said "complete meltdown", if I did it was I'll read all my comments, and if I did I'll update the post..... I see the market leveling off in the short term, next 6 months....What I DONT see is prices rising at the rate they have the last 7 years straight.
Thank you for finally giving your thoughts on what are YOU seeing in YOUR market?