Are you talking about RECs (Renewable Energy Credits) or ITCs (Investment Tax Credits)? Our solar farm generates NC SRECs (solar RECs) that go to our Interconnection Partner via our sell-all PPA (Power Purchase Agreement). While I am familiar with the REC generation side, I have not yet sold any RECs on behalf of our generator. In PJM territory, where I am looking to build a 250kW-500kW system, today's rate is $55 per REC (on PJM GATS bulletin board). Sun Tribe Trading is an example of one of the SREC aggregators. Unfortunately, I don't know about Colorado.
On the ITC side, a project developer might try to find a tax equity partner. Under this agreement, the cash investor receives the majority of the tax benefits (ITC and accelerated depreciation) and cash from generation for (typically) five years. After that, the partnership terms "flip". The developer then receives the majority of the cash from generation and remaining tax benefits, if any. I've not done a solar project as a tax partner/equity flip because I wanted the ITC and depreciation for myself. The companies I talked to in 2017 regarding a tax equity flip had a minimum project size of 2MW, so our project was too small. If I did one, I'd probably have my attorney draft the Operating Agreement with the flip in mind, following guidelines like in this article.
Anyway, I hope that helps.