@Leonard Sanford Jr
My first flip was a 2B/2B 1250SF condo in downtown LA. I lived through the remodeling and it wasn't fun. It was originally a 6 week timeline to complete remodel 2 bathrooms, kitchen update, and new paint/floor/lighting throughout the condo. However, we dragged it on for 10 weeks. The dreaded HOA required further inspections and prep work in the common area.
Things I have learned...
1) Keep an area untouched for daily access (shower/sleeping/toilet) and rotate after one area is finished. Your takeout and delivery bill will be high.
2) Pre-buy all the materials and have them delivered on site. You don’t want to shop at the local home depot every-time your GC needs something.
3) Apply for 0% interest credit card for all your material buy and keep it rolling for 12-18m. For labor, you will have to either pay with your savings or get loan.
4) Pay your contractor by inspection milestone!!!! Very important!! You want to make them accountable for the progress!!
5) Remember to hold 10% of the payment for final inspection. Make sure they sign a lien waiver per your state law
6) Prepare yourself for all the heartache and agony you will be going through. I was living with my girlfriend now wife through that 10 weeks. We agree not to go through this again especially when we have 2 toddlers now.
Enjoy the process, the pain is short term. Once you step into that brand new shower you created, everything else doesnt matter anymore.