Originally posted by @Ashish Acharya:
Originally posted by @Sam Dal:
This is sort of a continued post from the thread below
I have a few k1's with syndicate and ATM funds which have invested in many states (12 for me). I spoke to my local CPA and he said technically, I should file my passive carry-over losses in every state. However, it's going to be $70 for each state and adding that up for 5 years it's quite a bit of money.
He also said practically and based on his 15 year history as a CPA, he's not seen states come after the 200 or so investors for a single property sale as it's not easy for them to enforce this. Is that accurate? If they come after you, he said most states will agree to take and reconcile the passive carry-over losses even though I didn't file them when needed. Over 5 years, it's going to cost me roughly $4000 in additional tax filing fees.
Cost benefit and risk analysis need to be done. Some states are notorious than others and have penalties.
If your losses are not material and eventual tax saving wouldn’t be affected much even if states disallowed your losses, then don’t file.
If the losses are not much then why even bother filing the state return? How much are the losses?
One thing I realize is that cost segregation is not a good thing for LPs. It will only benefit the GP (who uses the partnership money to order the cost segregation study) and all the middlemen involved, while it will significantly increase the losses for the LP requiring them to file the state return or risk not being able to capture the losses in future. For a typical LP, these losses are suspended i.e. no benefit at all of the cost segregation study. I guess when the GP and the middlemen involved in cost segregation studies proudly state its benefits, they are talking about the benefit to themselves rather than the LP.
If your losses are not much then no need to file the state return as the money spent in filing the state return is way more than the money saved by capturing the losses.
Did your cpa mention how the passive carry over losses are accepted by the state when they were not already recorded by filing a state return in the prior years? Does the state use the losses recorded in the federal return? Or all the K1s from previous years? Or simply some other form of contemporaneous record?