Looking for feedback positive or negative, and a slap in the face if necessary…
For clarification: when I refer to SDIRA I am talking about having the ability to invest in Notes, Real Estate etc… at my direction….
High Level Overview:
Long term goal:
Buy Notes and Rental property; with my SDIRA, and the kids down the street have a rather lucrative lemonade stand I may take them national… J
Funding / Structure:
Funding is going to be difficult; I have no existing IRA; and my only 401k is active and doesn't allow active rollovers. I anticipate opening a ROTH IRA and fund the maximum allowed under the law for as many years as I can and or need. If I leave my current job I'll rollover a portion of my 401k.
Structurally; I would like to create an IRA owned LLC; and partner with myself; so I have passive income flowing into my retirement account; and also flowing to myself directly. It is my understanding this is possible.
I am 85.7% sure I want to set up my SDIRA with uDirect; based on the BiggerPockets threads, and a cursory level review of a few custodians.
Without having the ability to rollover funds from my existing 401k this will take some time to fund on the SDIRA side.
Questions / Misunderstandings
1. Can you open a SDIRA from scratch or do need an existing IRA to roll over?
a. Am I better off going with a managed ROTH IRA until I accumulate the monies I need to venture into Notes, RE, and then roll it over to a SD IRA (uDirect)?
2 Can you create an IRA LLC at any time? Or does it have to be created at the same time you open the SDIRA?
a. Can you allocate a % of the monies in a SDIRA to the LLC? I am wondering about asset protection here; if for some reason my LLC is getting into legal trouble are all the assets in my SDIRA at risk? How do I protect my other, non LLC investments?
3. How important is it to be close to your custodian; uDirect is in California, and I am on the East Coast?