Great question @Rachel Chioreanu
A network of reliable vendors who provide quality work for a fair price is critical to our success as investors and managers.
We find our best contractors in a couple ways:
1. Referrals from other real estate investors and property managers
2. Affiliates with NARPM (National Association of Residential Property Managers) see if there is a local chapter in your area
3. Referrals from other contractors - great plumbers know great electricians
4. Cold outreach - as property managers, vendors routinely cold call us to earn our business
Questions/Due Diligence for potential contractors:
1. Are you licensed (verify independently - AZ has a Registrar of Contractors website)
2. Search their personal and company name for past or current lawsuits (public record in AZ and easily accessible through government website)
3. Do you currently work with other real estate investors or property managers?
4. Check references
5. If you are hiring a GC that will be handling complex scopes of work, ask to visit one of their current projects.
6. Give them a small test job to complete
Maintain relationships once you find a great contractor:
1. Don't waste their time
2. Pay promptly
3. Treat them as partners and grow your businesses together